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EPA pauses Revisions to Guideline on Air Quality Models, but New Secondary SO2 NAAQS is in effect


On the road to a revised Guideline on Air Quality Models, it’s time for us to take a pause…


Today the modeling community got caught up in all the “pauses” the new administration is putting on a host of rules and regulations.  The revised Guideline on Air Quality Models (which included a new version of AERMOD and finalized background concentration guidance) was supposed to become effective today, but that has now been pushed back to March 21.  The modelers at EPA worked very hard—and succeeded—at getting it signed before the administrations changed, but it couldn’t escape the January 20th freeze order that requires EPA and other agencies to “consider postponing for 60 days…any rules that have been published in the Federal Register, or any rules that have been issued in any manner but have not taken effect, for the purpose of reviewing any questions of fact, law, and policy that the rules may raise.”


On the other hand, the new SO2 Secondary NAAQS appears to have escaped this pause—its effective date was yesterday, January 27.  Not pausing this may be because EPA stated that they didn’t anticipate new emissions reductions from industry being necessary to meet this new Secondary NAAQS.



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